Thursday, January 28, 2016

A collection of my 2015 hand-drawing maps

With probably the world worst sense of direction, I always feel frustrated that I can not remember where I have been. Especially I love exploring new places so much. To help myself build images of the cities I have visited, I started to draw my own maps after touring around. Just like writing notes after reading books, I also draw notes after reading cities. Thank goodness, it works really well to me!

A collection of the maps I draw in 2015:
⬇️  Towns and mountains along Danube river
⬇️ Alpine Lake - Hallstatt town
⬇️ Paris - a beautiful design of the city
Great Smoky Mountains. This map is more similar with the sketch maps I draw before, just to help myself to remember the directions. Only later 2015, I started to take it a bit more seriously on the map drawing.
⬇️ Great Smoky Mountains National Park -the only one around a big area
⬇️ Venice Island
Rialto Fish Market lion, although not a map, but it can be regarded as a supplement to the Venice map.
⬇️ Venice Island -Rialto Seafood Market
⬇️ Leoben- an Austrian town

⬇️ Graz-A medieval city in Austria
⬇️ Oak Ridge-American small city
⬇️Prague - a lovely medieval city!
⬇️ Innsbruck (Urban)-inside Alps mountains 

⬇️ Innsbruck (whole view)-inside Alps mountains 
 ⬇️Vienna city- Ringstrasse

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